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Cascadia Standard Poodles

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Why diversity is important

our commitment to preservation

Our commitment to Standard Poodles is to breed in genetic diversity while maintaining and increasing their best qualities -  wonderful temperament, intellect, health, proper structure and longevity. 

Why is genetic diversity so important? Due to the effects of a “genetic bottleneck” in the 1950s, the breed’s gene pool is significantly limited. Lack of genetic diversity has led to a higher risk of autoimmune diseases.

Fortunately, due to many committed breeders and science we now have the knowledge and tools to find rare genes in the breed that are healthy. 

Here are some of the tools we are using.  

Here is a link to a really informative article about  inbreeding and it's effects on the immune system

Our Standard Poodles will be genetically diverse, intelligent, with proper structure and lovely temperaments. We are also committed to preserving their useful dew claws and natural tails.


About me

My name is Jen and my love for the breed began back in 1992. I purchased my first Standard Poodle puppy in 1995 and showed her in Obedience.  In 1997, I purchased a lovely puppy girl from the top winning Standard Poodle in the breed history.  Ch. Trelarken's Jammin to JenaCo would become my foundation for my small breeding program.  She had two litters of puppies, sweet, charming and intelligent.  She produced three AKC champions and many amazing therapy and companion pets. Her daughter Ch. JenaCo's Legally Blonde also produced wonderful pups who lived long healthy lives and earned Agility titles.  I learned so much from these experiences as a small hobby breeder.  

Then life happened, I got married had children of my own and now 23 years later and with much more research and knowledge about genetics I decided to start a new program.  My goals are still pretty much the same, wonderful companion Poodles with good health, temperament and structure.  With the advancement in science and the dedication of many breeders, we now have amazing tools to help make better choices in breeding quality diverse dogs.  Thanks to UC Davis and Betterbred, breeders are able to reduce auto immune diseases by using these tools.  I have worked hard with mentors and researching on what matters most in keeping the breed moving forward.  My goals are to breed healthy diverse Poodles who improve the health and longevity and preservation of the breed.  Poodles who make wonderful companions and have a purpose. 

We are located in beautiful Bend Oregon.

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